Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our Veterans Deserve Better

This past week the City Council and the Mayor of Passaic walked into the Council Chamber and exercised their right of free speech at the Council meeting.

They introduced resolutions and voted their conscience freely without fear of reprisal from the United States Government.

Then they voted against the Veterans of the City of Passaic, by cutting their grant to have their annual Parade.

They slapped the very individuals who gave their all to protect their freedom, defend the very rights they exercised, and who provided the peace that they enjoy, in the face. With their vote they claimed to the world "Our Veterans aren't worth $8,000.00." They stated that their new desks, new cars and expense accounts are worth more, to them, than the individuals that put their life in the line of fire and risked everything on their behalf and the freedoms they enjoy.

Then Council President and State Assemblyman Gary Schaer as well as Mayor Alex Blanco had the unmitigated nerve to tell the Veterans that if they want a parade to go out and raise their own money.

I personally am ashamed of my City Leaders. I hope that our Veterans, from wars past and present along with their families and friends, remember this insult and when they exercise their vote, they tell the City Leaders and the Candidates they support "We will not forget!"

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